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时间:2021/8/2 14:31:41

  埋弧焊是在焊剂层下通过电弧进行焊接的一种方法。 具有焊接质量稳定、无电弧、焊接生产率高、烟尘少等优点,是管段制造、压力容器、箱形梁等钢结构生产中的主要焊接设备。

  Submerged arc welding is a method of using electric arc to weld under the flux layer,With the advantages of stable welding quality,high welding productivity,no arc light and less smoke,it has become the main welding equipment in the production of steel structures such as pressure vessels,pipe segment manufacturing and box-type beams and columns.

  应用范围Scope of application:


  Semi-automatic submerged arc welding trolley is mainly used in steel structure,shipbuilding,bridge and pressure vessel industries.

  主要特点Main features:


  High production efficiency:on the one hand,the length of wire conduction is shortened,and the current and current density are increased,thus greatly improving the arc penetration and wire deposition efficiency(Generally do not open groove one-side solution depth up to 20mm).On the other hand,due to the heat insulation effect of flux and slag,there is basically no heat radiation loss on the arc,and there is little spatter.Although the heat loss for melting flux is increased,the overall thermal efficiency is still greatly improved


  High quality of welding seam:the protection effect of slag against air is good,and the welding parameters can be kept stable through automatic adjustment,with low requirements on the welder's technical level,stable composition of welding seam and good mechanical performance


  Good working conditions:in addition to reducing the labor intensity of manual welding,it has no arc radiation,which is the unique advantage of submerged arc welding


  Automatic welding:the welding parameters can be maintained stable through automatic adjustment.Compared with manual arc welding,the dependence of welding quality on welder's skill level can be greatly reduced

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